Purchasing Cooperative of America

Elite Adjusting Group, LLC

Awarded Contracts:  

  • PCA OD-397-23 Insurance Adjuster Services
    • Contract Dates: February 7, 2024 – February 6, 2029


Tiffany Perryman 
PH: 817-435-2919
Email: Tiffany.m.perryman@eliteadjgroup.com


Members put "PCA OD-397-23 – Insurance Adjusting Services” on your Purchase Order  


Elite Adjusting Group – We are a leading claim adjustment service company headquartered in the heart of Texas, United States. With an extensive service portfolio spanning various industries and business needs, we cater to both businesses and individuals. Our core strength lies in our elite team of seasoned claim adjusters and examiners, each boasting years of practical experience in their respective fields. We take pride in our team's collective expertise, which forms a formidable force to elevate your company and business to new heights. We are dedicated to providing nothing less than fair and equitable insurance claims services that you can trust.


Please click on the logo to go directly to company's site.

Elite Adjusting Group, LLC
1003 Colonial CT
Kennedale, TX 76060
Phone:     817-435-2919
Fax:    817-398-5210