Purchasing Cooperative of America

A2S Inc.

Awarded Contracts:

  • PCA OD-342-21 Furniture and Related Items
    • Awarded: April 12, 2021   Ends: April 11, 2026


                 Ronni Jarvis
                 PH:   (516) 788-0528
                 Email: ronni.jarvis@a2s.com


                 Thomas Müller
                 PH:  631.501.1057
                 Email:  tmw@a2s.com

                 Franziska Rank
                 PH:   631.501.1057
                 Email: rfr@a2s.com


Put "PCA OD-342-21 Furniture and RI " on your Purchase Order.


A2S Inc. – A2S is one of Europe’s leading school outfitters. For over 80 years, A2S has been helping schools, pedagogues, and especially children, learn, thrive, and achieve. At A2S, we support our clients, with over 6.000 meticulously designed and crafted furniture solutions, for nearly every area within a school, from early childhood, to higher education. We also provide free design services and drawings in order to help our customers to imagine how a certain area could look like.