Purchasing Cooperative of America

ABM Industry Groups

Awarded Contracts

  • PCA OD-379-22 EV Charging Stations & Related Items
    • Contract Dates: March 8, 2023 – March 7, 2028 
  • PCA OD-334-20 Custodial Services/Landscaping & Grounds/Operations & Maintenance
    • Contract Dates: December 21, 2020 – December 20, 2025



Jennifer Lee, Financial Analyst
PH: (281) 384-9311
Email:  Jennifer.Lee@abm.com 
Email:  CooperativePurchasing@abm.com 


Members put "PCA OD-379-22 EV" or “PCA OD-334-20 Custodial” on your Purchase Order

ABM (NYSE: ABM) is a leading provider of facility solutions with revenues of approximately $6.5 billion and approximately 140,000 employees in 350+ offices throughout the United States and various international locations.

ABM's comprehensive capabilities include: 
•    Janitorial
•    Electrical & Lighting
•    Energy Solutions
•    Facilities Engineering
•    HVAC & Mechanical
•    Landscape & Turf
•    Mission Critical Solutions and Parking provided through stand-alone or integrated solutions.

ABM provides custom facility solutions in urban, suburban, and rural areas to properties of all sizes - from schools and commercial buildings to hospitals, data centers, manufacturing plants and airports.

Developed by experts in infectious disease and industrial hygiene, ABM’s Enhanced Clean™ and Enhanced Facility™ programs help foster healthier spaces. ABM Industries Incorporated, which operates through its subsidiaries, was founded in 1909. For more information, visit www.abm.com.