Awarded Contracts:
- PCA OD-322-20 Employee Assistance Programs
- Awarded: July 13, 2020 – July 12, 2026 (1 yr extension)
Rick Dielman
PH: (512) 328-8519
Scott Terres
PH: (512) 328-8519
Put "PCA OD-322-20 - EAP" on the Purchase Order.
Alliance Work Partners (AWP)—largest freestanding, non-profit EAP in the nation. Designing customized EAP, Work-Life and Wellness Programs, since 1977. AWP has no financial ties to insurance or treatment and is one of the only EAPs in the US accredited a Certified Crisis Call Center by the American Association of Suicidology. Our best practice-based, ethical independence guarantees superior ROI, employee cost-savings and effective health care cost management.
PCA Member programs will include:
- Program implementation, which includes a customized webpage for PCA Members and a video-streaming orientation describing services and access information.
- Ongoing consultation, education, and program promotional materials, including 3 newsletters every month.
- On-site Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD) is included and unlimited.
- Statistical reports on a quarterly and annual basis that meet standards for ethics, legality, and confidentiality.
- Access to a variety of training events, including onsite training options. AWP will provide PCA Members unlimited access to monthly interactive webcast training, and over 35 e-learning training modules. Additional services including customized training, organizational development, orientations, health fair participation, drug and alcohol awareness training, and personal and professional development seminars may be purchased at the rate of $200 per hour, plus travel expenses.
- Free legal consultations and free financial consultations offered under LawAccess, and a 25% discount thereafter.
- Safe Ride; a confidential reimbursement benefit for the cab fare of any participant whose driving becomes impaired, while away from home.
- Low cost option to add unlimited access to health coaches for help achieving wellness goals like smoking cessation, fitness and weight loss, proactively managing chronic illness and promoting healthy living. In addition, AWP’s online wellness services are completely personalized and interactive, with numerous self-assessments, personal improvement plans and budget calculators.
- Covered employees may include part-time, full-time and contract employees, severed employees (for a period up to six months) and retirees for the life of the contract with AWP. In addition, dependents and individuals residing in the employee’s household will be covered