Purchasing Cooperative of America


Awarded Contracts

  • PCA OD-341-21 Fuel Controller and Management Systems
    • Awarded: April 12, 2021    Ends: April 11, 2026


Katherine Blyth


Put "PCA OD-341-21 Fuel Controller and Management Systems" on your Purchase Order/Invoice


FluidSecure – manufactures and sells worldwide automated fuel management systems for providing SECUREITY and ACCOUNTABILITY at your fuel island / tank.  Our system is CLOUD based, all wireless, using SMARTPHONES and Tablets for only your authorized drivers/fuelers to get fuel.  All fueling transactions are stored for unlimited access to the CLOUD. Run reports and export to show date/time, location, driver, vehicle, and quantity of fuel dispensed.

Please click on the logo to go directly to company's site.

2901 Crescent Drive
Tallahassee, FL 32301