Purchasing Cooperative of America

Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station – TEES – Energy Systems Laboratory

Awarded Contracts

  • PCA OD-409-24 Construction Management 
    • Awarded June 12, 2024     Ends: June 13, 2029


Gali Zilbershtein, PhD        
PH:  979-847-8780
Email:  galiez@tamu.edu 

Bahman Yazdani
PH:  979-574-3654
Email:  byazdani@tamu.edu

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Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station - TEES Energy Systems Laboratory – 
The Energy Systems Laboratory (ESL), a division of the Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station (TEES), a Texas state research & engineering agency, and a member of The Texas A&M University System (TAMUS), is affiliated with the Departments of Mechanical Engineering, Architecture and Construction Science at Texas A&M University. For over thirty-five (35) years, ESL/TEES has been in the forefront of research, development and application of the latest building technologies. The ESL/TEES faculty members are ASHRAE and ASME Fellows, known world-wide as leaders in building and construction research; energy management; energy engineering; commissioning practices; measurement and verification (M&V) procedures; Central Utility Plant assessment, upgrade, and optimization; energy audits, modeling and analysis; codes and standards, and emissions reduction. ESL/TEES has been instrumental in the development of many industry standards, protocols, energy codes, and guidelines, such as the International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol (IPMVP), the ASHRAE/CIBSE/USGBC Performance Measurement Protocols (PMP), the ASHRAE Guideline 14, and the Continuous Commissioning® Guidebook, developed for the Federal Energy Management Program, U.S. DOE. 

In addition to the direct access to experts from academia, and all its engineering, construction and architectural expertise, the ESL/TEES has an IDIQ agreement in place with various private-sector expert collaborators that are utilized as subs for projects without further competitive requirements.

ESL/TEES provides opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students to gain hands-on practical training in energy assessments, Continuous Commissioning®, construction management, and in research and testing of HVAC systems. 

ESL/TEES and its industry partners offer both product and professional services. The services offered are for the full range of design, engineering, construction, and construction management, as well as additional comprehensive energy efficiency solutions and other engineering services tailored to the needs of PCA members. Specific services include:
1.Energy and sustainability management.
a.Development of an energy management plan
2.Energy assessments / evaluations:
aPreliminary Energy Assessment (PEA Audit)
b.Investment Grade Audits (Utility Assessment)
c.Measurement & Verification (M&V) 
3.Development and implementation of comprehensive energy efficiency and mechanical system upgrade programs.
4.Optimization of commercial, institutional, and central plant facilities operation and comfort enhancement through the Continuous Commissioning® (CC®) process.
5.Owner representation as needed.
6.Provision of expert advice/consultation.
7.Energy use analysis and implementation of energy efficiency in industrial facilities.
8.Building energy code analysis and training for residential and commercial construction.
9.Development of building code compliance tools.
10.Calculation of emissions reduction benefits from Energy Efficiency (EE) and Renewable Energy (RE) initiatives.
11.Research and testing of HVAC systems and technical support to the air-moving industry.
12.Training and development of training programs, including providing Continuing Education Units (CEUs).  
13.Provision of a wide spectrum of services including architectural services, controls (BAS), mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, plumbing engineering, performance contracting, energy as a service (EAS), energy procurement, CHP/Microgrid, O&M (Operations & Maintenance), design-build services, structural engineering, commissioning, construction, mechanical contractors, roofs, solar, technology/data.

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Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station – TEES – Energy Systems Laboratory
1210 Avenue A
Bryan, TX 77807